829,903 hits for the Arabic version of kolaveri di. Almost as good as the original version sung by Dhanush. Yes 829,903 times song has been heard on you tube by people across the world. Kolaveri di is fast breaking all the borders and boundaries and going beyond it where people are accepting the song whole heartedly and many creative people likeĀ Faez Zahoor Choudhary comes up with their version of the song.
Lyrics of the song has been completely changed so is the meaning of the song.Instead of Kolaveri di Faez has used Khalli Walli. So the staring lines are Why this Khalli Walli Khalli Walli lli. So this Arabic version is not a soup song as Dhanush says but it raises sponsorship issues faced by expatriates.
Since I’m no Arabic expert so will not be able to say anything else about the song.Check it out yourself it is worth a watch I can only say this much. In singing style Faez style is the close to Dhanush style. Faez has manage to bring that drunken style of singing effect in his version a most vital reason why original kolaveri di became so viral.