Meaning of Chammak Challo

Meaning of Chammak Challo

Meaning of  Chammak Challo could be very subjective. There is no objective meaning of chammak challo.As many people you ask what does chammak challo means the equal number of meaning will come up.

Chammak Challo the track from Ra One has become a rage among all the music lovers What has caught the attention of people the most is  the word  the Chamak Challo.People are searching frantically to know the meaning of chammak challo. since this term is not exactly used for your ladylove.

In hindi and urdu language it is not a good word to address a woman.It is more like a teaser, a slang used for women who overdress and show off. The word Chamak Challo reminds one memorable moment of my life.In a  film shoot which first time i managed to watch at  Saputara hill station it was for the first time I’ve heard this word Chamak Challo. In the scene some tapories were eve teasing the heroine by calling her chamak challo till the hero came to her rescue.

If I try to extract the individual word meaning then the word Chammak means shining glittering and challo may mean girl.It is  this positive meaning of chammak challo used in RaOne . It sounds more as compliment then as a teaser.Shahrukh here in the song is trying to woo the sizzling Kareena Kapoor in red sari by calling her  Chamak Challo which actually here means “beautiful girls,” “lovely girls,” “shining girls.” “sparkling girls”.After listening to the song  I was completely bold by the creativity of the Shahrukh and Vishal-Shekhar’s team. Their good work has given lovers another word Chamak Challo to compliment their ladylove.

In hindi dictionary the nearest word to Challo is Challa something round which could be a  ring, bangles or even anklets. Among this anklets is closet in my thinking.So imagine a woman wearing anklets walking with cross strides with a jingling sound from the anklet we usually call them also chammak challo.

Ra.One ‘s song Chammak challo has changed the enitre meaning of Chammak Challo. The song has made the word chammak challo so popular that it is the buzzword in the dictionary of lovers for their wives or girlfriends. Previously it was used by eve-teaser to embarass a girl but now its used as an adjective for a beautifully dressed wife or to cool off an angry girlfriend by saying you’r my chammak challo.

As I worte earlier Chammak challo is a very subjective phrase so as many people will have equal number of meaning.In one such incident in lunch all my colleague where discussing when this one gentleman came up with yet another meaning of chammak challo. According to him chammak challo means “matak matak ke jo chale usse chammak challo kehete hai.

Whatever may be the meaning one thing is for sure it is right now the most trendy compliment girls are getting from their lovers.


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